Some of Salvy's first toys were: Chicken-Man, Fishy, and the Kong ball. Chicken-Man, a rubber pirate-chicken, very quickly lost his head and his leg. He had an eye patch. Who thought of this? Fishy was a squeaky fish; the Kong ball squeaked, as well, and it was wrapped in a blue cloth with long, flowing tails. Pets have play needs that differ from an adult human's play needs. A dog wants texture; he wants his chicken to have weird, tumor-like growths under the furry surface; these growths create something interesting for his teeth. He wants multiple squeals, at multiple pitches. He wants diverse gradients of thickness; he wants part of his chicken-surrogate to be stuffed with crinkly paper, because the crinkly paper does something odd for him that a squeaky plastic bladder can't do. Why must the toys have chicken faces, fish faces, Santa faces? Can a dog recognize these characters? I think not. I suspect that twist is mainly for the human owners. Salvy spent a gre...