Taylor Swift's "Red." Her masterwork! I can tell my husband wants me in a good mood if he consents to listen to this in the car. My favorite song is "Treacherous," where Taylor worries that Jake Gyllenhaal is "a dangerous slope." But "nothing safe is worth the drive," right? So I will "follow you, follow you home." Sometimes, my husband can't help himself; he has to ask, "Isn't her subject matter a little bit limited? Couldn't she write about politics?" And I get irritated. As if love and sex were not the basis of almost all of Western literary history! And is there something just slightly sexist in the implication that someone who writes constantly about love is less profound than--say--Bruce Springsteen? Do we really want Taylor Swift producing some tedious "Starvation and hatred are bad" anthem, along the lines of Katy Perry's "Chained to the Rhythm"? I don't say any of this. Inst...