"The Attic" is like a sequel to "The Artist."
"The Artist": Martha makes a huge mess with a painting and loves the work, and has a grand time. Cautious, timid George is unsatisfied--but Martha remains unflappable. (Marshall's sympathies seem to be with wild Martha.)
"The Attic": George half-wants to visit the spooky attic, and Martha goads him on. The attic is in fact totally bland? No matter. Martha will terrify everyone with an inventive horror story. (Her build-up to the story is like her painting, in "The Artist,": exuberant, out of this world.)
Martha pays a small price for outlandishness: paint all over her body and her smock, a case of goosebumps after she has horrified herself with her own imagination.
But, Marshall seems to say: So what? Martha has LIVED!
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