One part of the true-crime world focuses on the incompetence of investigators; the gold standard, for this kind of reporting, is "In the Dark." The new podcast "Dead End," about terrible errors in the attempted "solving" of the NJ murder of John Sheridan, is a similar work. (Though it's quite clear that Sheridan was murdered, his file still says "CAUSE OF DEATH - UNCERTAIN," and this is just the start of the problem.) The book of the summer is (I think) "Trailed," about a new kind of sloppiness, the sloppiness of national-park authorities. Every year, the majority of murder victims in the world are men -- but if you focus on national parks, then the majority are women. Women are targeted, trailed, assaulted, and murdered in U.S. parks, and then people fail to notice the stories. (Kathryn Miles, a journalist, wonders, "If you learned that three women per year were murdered at Disney World, would you reconsider your trip to Dis...