James Taylor turns himself into a literary character; he is an interesting mess, over and over again. Every now and then, the things I lean on lose their meaning. And I find myself careening--into places where I should not let me go. She has the power to go where no one else can find me-- Yes, and to silently remind me of the happiness and good times that I know. Even in a celebratory mood, as he considers his baby daughter, Taylor mocks himself: Isn't it amazing a man *like me* can feel this way? Tell me how much longer--it can grow stronger--everyday...? At times, Taylor has been an addict, close to death--and yet he has a writer's coolness, a way of dissecting a thing that others wouldn't want to touch: Won't you look down upon me, Jesus? You gotta help me make a stand. You just got to see me through another day. My body's aching, and my time is at hand. I won't make it any other way. Taylor senses how lost we all are--and he has some fun with this situation...